words from Acacia Salisbury on why your vote and volunteering matters

Stay Involved!

September 25, 2020

"All of my friends and family are already registered to vote” or “I live in state that is always this color so it’s doesn’t matter if I vote.” Today I want to push back on those types of comments and remind you that there are tons of ways to stay civically engage. Below I am going to list three things that you can do right now from your home to help get people to the polls.

1. We have an excellent opportunity upcoming with the NAACP national’s civic engagement plan. The NAACP will be providing a list of 20 people who are either not registered or infrequent voters to people. If you participate you will be sending reminders to people to register to vote and/or show up to the polls this election. Sound scary? No worries, the NAACP is providing trainings to anyone interested this weekend. Click the links below to sign up for one the trainings and get started doing your part to ensure we are all voting.

September 26 (6pm - 7pm ET) September 27 (6pm - 7pm ET)

2. Okay, so you and everyone you know are registered to vote? Do you know what is on your ballot? Every election season we push to get as many people to show up to the polls as possible. However that is just half of the struggle. Knowing and understanding what and who we are voting for is also extremely important. You can always learn more about what is on your ballot at Ballotpedia. Talk to your friends and families about what ballot measures there are and who is running this election cycle.

3. Download Outvote and sync your contacts. Did you know that voter records are public information? You can look up anyone and see if they are registered to vote and which elections they have voted in. Outvote utilizes that databank and will tell you who you know that is not already registered to vote or is an infrequent voter. Create you own list of 20 people and make sure that they make it to the polls this year!


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